BenefitsGlobal CertificationAssessmentStandards│Crisis Manager│

Operational Risk Manager

Crisis Manager


Level A: Certified Senior Crisis Consultant is qualified to approve the manager certification in crisis management in accordance with ICMA Directive.
Level B: Certified Crisis Consultant is qualified to lecture and examine in crisis management in accordance with ICMA Directive.
Level C: Certified Senior Crisis Manager should have the ability to analyze and manage complex crisis programs.
Level D: Certified Crisis Manager should have the ability to apply crisis management knowledge when working in a crisis project and able to manage crisis with limited complexity.


Level A: Certified Senior Crisis Consultant should pass the examination and have the experience to guide complex crisis management programs. Minimum three years of experience of Certified Crisis Consultant is required.
Level B: Certified Crisis Consultant should pass the examination and have the experience to lecture in crisis management or guide a crisis management department in organisation.
Level C: Certified Senior Crisis Manager should have attended the advanced course at least 30 hours, pass the examination and have the ability to facilitate the advanced tools. Minimum qualification of Certified Crisis Manager is required.
Level D: Certified Crisis Manager should have attended the basis course at least 18 hours, pass the examination and have the ability to facilitate the basic tools.

Renew policy

Level A and Level B certifications should renew after five years. Level C and Level D certifications should renew after three years. Contact the National Association in your country and complete the appropriate application. If there is no National Association in your country, contact the ICMA secretariat and supply detailed address information so an invoice can be issued.

An Approach to Crisis Manager

Crisis Manager certification system includes Crisis Prevention, Crisis Handling and Crisis Recovery components. It should utilise "hands on" competency-based training and written tests to certify that individuals who receive instruction of Crisis Management reach the highest level of skill acquisition. Crisis Management system is committed to delivering effective and high quality programs in a theoretical and practical manner. Management coordinates Crisis Prevention Plan, Crisis Detection, Hazard Identification, Vulnerability Analysis, Impact Analysis, Probability Assessment, Internal and External Resources, Plan Evaluating and Modifying, Decision Making, Crisis Correction, Crisis Coping Pattern, Emergency Response Guidelines, Emergency Response Procedures, Emergency Operations, Incident Command System, Crisis Management Team, Public Relations and Crisis Coordination, Reputation Management, Crisis Negotiation, Statement Preparation, Recovery Strategies, Recovery Plan Developing and Implementing, Awareness and Training Programs, Plan Maintaining and Exercising.

Crisis Prevention

The best way to handle a crisis situation is to prevent it before it happens. The crisis prevention component contents a wide range of tools of hazards identification and strategies for the prevention of crisis situations. Each organization should have a set of policies or guidelines to deal with crisis and emergency response plans in place with information sharing capabilities to quickly respond to all types of disasters, personal safety and security situation. When asked by the media what the company’s policies are about a certain situation, spokesperson should be able to answer firmly. This assures the public that the company's employees are reliable and knowledgeable. Since ICMA crisis management is based on a learning model, it integrates smoothly as well as complements and strengthens your existing prevention strategies.

Crisis Handling

Crisis handling requires a continuum of procedures and techniques that can be utilised in a crisis situation. but that is only possible if you have thought, in advance, about how you can be as effective as possible should something happen. That requires devising and testing a crisis handling plan and ensuring that everyone is clear about their respective roles and responsibilities. Getting that plan right is crucial.

Effective crisis handling relies on gathering the facts and being absolutely clear about what has happened and the chronology of events. Depending on your type of organisation, and the specific incident, you will need to involve a range of people in helping to handle the crisis. To prepare a plan for your company, talk with key employees about what could happen, however unlikely. List categories of crises and discuss the worst possibilities.

ICMA Crisis Management system provides individuals to build your profile and protect your organisation. Such as gathering the information of crisis; assign your team member to contact those involved the situation; watch or listen to the media; ensure that the right information is being released; and think of a solution to the problem in a timely and efficient manner.

Crisis Recovery

Crisis Recovery leads individuals various methods of interacting following the implementation of crisis handling. Specific content for crisis recovery counselling is presented and practiced in ICMA Crisis Management system. Evaluate your performance, analyze what you have learned and revise your crisis management plan by including what you learned in the past experience. Participants obtain knowledge in how to conduct post-crisis analysis which includes ways of improving future interactions in crisis situations.